I'am back.... I know waht your thinkgin...
Your Inner Dialogue:
- There is no way Jord will really stick around and even make a new post in the recent future...
- And I love how he uses apostrophes in contractions yet continures to spell out both of the words that he is con-(joining/tracting)
- Plus Continure....period So put a hault to all your worries... I am going to make a post RIIIILLL soon. do'not forget!!!: you can'not spell ENNUI without 'U' and 'I' !!!!
Until When,
OMG you'are psychic! That'is exactly what I was thinkin.
ok, I got the word verification wrong...twice. They don't take into consideration that some of us need glasses. Geesh.
oh, and its jeesh. Guh!
No, Simeon, it's GEEsh. I'm a trend setter and I've created a new word expression. Just wait...they'll be saying it all over the sitcoms next year.
What are the odds that I'll get the word verification right the first try?
i love your familyship.
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