Things are looking good

So another year is here. It started off really well so far. I got to spend the first day with my brother and a handful of old friends. One Trisha Wheeler I have'nt seen in 2.5 years. She was close by visiting her special friend and we met up for dinner in Boone. It was so good to see her. She is one of those friends of mine that we just clicked the first time we met. I only spent 6 weeks in Redding California, and havent seen her since but i don't think we go for more than 2 weeks without talking on the phone to each other and filling each other in. Some friends just get you. Our relationship is one of a few strong relationships that I have with other women where romantic attraction doesn't interfere. Just a strong mutual respect and appreciation for the other. I can call her for support anytime I need some encouragement and she knows just what to say/pray. Anyway, this is a tribute to you Trisha Wheeler, I freakin' love you and I am so happy that you've found a guy like Jeff. You are one of the most amazing women I know.
Thank you Curfmans for all of your suport and encouragement to Jared and I. Oh, and also your German buffet brunches...keep those comin'. Red cabbage and you made the new year awesome. DAahhhhhhh!
Awwwwww. Now lets go shoot some squirrels with pellet rifles.
New Years resolutions: I dont really have any list of things that I need to do. I do have something I want to try not to do though. I don't want to get caught up in fake religion. I don't want to find myself following someone elses plan of how my life should look just b/c I'm too lazy/scared to find out for myself. I don't want to create a picture of what God looks like (I want Him to do it). I don't want to find myself earning God's love.
This year is starting in a hard way but in one that I would'nt trade. Its a beginning of desparation. That word gets tossed around alot and has lost alot of its impact for me but I finally feel like I have a grasp of it. I havea quiet resolve to wait on the Lord. Not passively but actively. Taking a stance of someone who is intently focused and expectant of something to come. Waiting on to promises made to me. Waiting in my camouflage in the tree stand...taking aim whenever I see them coming through the woods toward me. Then siezing them. Actively waiting!
Goals: 1. I want my pilots license this year. 2. I want to learn how to scuba dive.
I speak "language." and don't you forget it.
In the year 2000 people will send each written messages by the year 2000.
by the way, they are tree rats, Simeon, tree rats. Daaaaahhhh!
hang in there, friend. and leave the little furry beasts oh, and heeyyyeepppy new yeeeear! (said like my grandpa, after one too many glasses of bubbly...)
i freakin love you too simi!!!!!
uuuhhh simdiggi, you cant tribute to trisha and not me, I made a whole blog a tribute to you, a poem no less, what is up with that? hhahahahahaha but really what is up with that! how are you and when are you coming back over here? J Upton is playing in Gatlinburg maybe we can meet there and hang out and get trashed with ya
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