Now you too can discover the newest tunes that are setting the recording industry on it's collective ear. Yuse these sights to help you figure skate you're way into the future of music.
The Hype Machine

If you use these sites, you'll become so cool that all the girls will flock to you and point at you when you think they are pointing cause you are awesome but really they are because your shirt came slightly untucked while you were greasing the dance floor with your smooth moves and some of the red from your british flag boxers sticks out of and makes everybody think that you think that you are way cooler than you really are while at this wedding I went to last weekend where I got 3 day food poisoning from eating some bad fish.
You really should listen to these sites.
The Hype Machine
If you use these sites, you'll become so cool that all the girls will flock to you and point at you when you think they are pointing cause you are awesome but really they are because your shirt came slightly untucked while you were greasing the dance floor with your smooth moves and some of the red from your british flag boxers sticks out of and makes everybody think that you think that you are way cooler than you really are while at this wedding I went to last weekend where I got 3 day food poisoning from eating some bad fish.
You really should listen to these sites.
I'm not completely sure but I think I believe that may possibly be close to the most long sentence I've almost ever seen with approximately two eyes.
I believe my mantra will fill you in as to why I write like I do:
"Short sentences are for the birds and taking breath pauses is for well as being non-convoluted."
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