My SOVIET life...
Just a note: Leslie took all of these pics, so Sim, you can thank her for the insight into my everyday life. I just always forget to take pics. I'd even forgotten that some of this stuff is not so normal in the states. So here goes...

This is the little orthodox church near my house. They have little ones like this all over the place here. Old people go here on Sat. nights and Sundays.
The canal that seperates me from the island of Rusonovka. That's right, I live next door to an island.

This is the canal and pedestrian bridge just a 2 min walk from my building. I used to swim in this thing during the summer. Lot's of old guys fish in there. Me and my old roomate threw rotten watermelons of that bridge one time. They completely disentegrated upon contact with the surface of the river. It was really cool.

There are lots of new buildings being built all over this city. This is just down the street from me. They have the crews working 24hrs a day...I know cause I see the welding flashing at night.

This is my Building. 9 stories of concrete goodness.....SOVIET concrete goodness!!!

There is no parking here in Kiev, so parking and driving on sidewalks is a common occurance.
This is our trash lady who is always picking up around our dumpster. I don't know who pays her...maybe it's the state....the SOVIET STATE!!!!

I have never actually seen these flowers anywhere near my building, but Leslie found them somewhere.

My building's front entrance. It looks ohh so...ummmm.....SOVIET!!!

Our stairwell...and yes it smells as bad as it looks.

The inside of my front door. We have a outer wooden door and an inner leather covered door. I don't know what the second one is foor, but I'm glad that we have it. It's prettier than the other.
Here's my old roomate's room. I may be moving into this one soon.
Please note the gas stove from the 1940s. It's a rare piece because it's such an antique. It may be old, but you better believe it can still burn your biscuits...oh yes it can.
That's enough for now. Come visit me sometime.

This is the little orthodox church near my house. They have little ones like this all over the place here. Old people go here on Sat. nights and Sundays.

This is the canal and pedestrian bridge just a 2 min walk from my building. I used to swim in this thing during the summer. Lot's of old guys fish in there. Me and my old roomate threw rotten watermelons of that bridge one time. They completely disentegrated upon contact with the surface of the river. It was really cool.

There are lots of new buildings being built all over this city. This is just down the street from me. They have the crews working 24hrs a day...I know cause I see the welding flashing at night.

This is my Building. 9 stories of concrete goodness.....SOVIET concrete goodness!!!

There is no parking here in Kiev, so parking and driving on sidewalks is a common occurance.

I have never actually seen these flowers anywhere near my building, but Leslie found them somewhere.

My building's front entrance. It looks ohh so...ummmm.....SOVIET!!!

Our stairwell...and yes it smells as bad as it looks.

The inside of my front door. We have a outer wooden door and an inner leather covered door. I don't know what the second one is foor, but I'm glad that we have it. It's prettier than the other.

That's enough for now. Come visit me sometime.
i need more!!!!!!1 You should get a flickr account or something...or steal wireless from the state....THE SOVIET STATE! Then you could be Putin pics up all day/night.
jared, these pics look nearly identical to the apartment of Freddie's that we stayed in in Kaliningrad. freaky. I guess all the Russians are related. I mean the Soviets.
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