Monday, August 14, 2006

Well, i'm in another airport this morning. I'm headed to the Floriday by Darky! I'll spend a week down there for work and hopefully get a few hours in the evening to sit on the beach. I've been craving that all summer and haven't been yet. I miss it like crazy. So I'm in this huge airport, one of the lucky ones to snag a rocking chair next to a power outlet, watching hundreds of travelers pass by every minute. I like airports, they are exciting to me. Not that I'm thrilled to with having to dissect my luggage at the security gate, or having to worry if I'm getting there early enough only to have to wait at the terminal for an hour before boarding...and oh yeah, lost luggage=sucky. I like the excitement of taking off more than any of that. Sitting here I know where I'm going but the possibilities of where I could go become a little more real in a place like this. Jareds shorts give him hope and a lesson. Somehow, sitting in this rocker and awaiting my flight does the same. I imagine a trip to Fiji to film a surfing doc or awaiting a voyage to the heart of the vodka basket and documenting amazing stories of heartbreaking selflessness from an underground church. Jared, I too really like what you are doing over there, I echo Monicas sentiments of your decision to live in the present. I hope that we can all understand that it is Jesus' hope for us all to have dreams AND pursue them. Maybe its because I'm in my mid-twenties that I'm having all of these thoughts now. Iknow I'm not the only one contemplating my decisions that led me to where I am today: in my case an airport getting ready to help build a Wal-Mart in Florida. However, I'm a little less concerned today with how I got here and more concerned with where to go from here, and what can I do today to help me get there. I hope this comes across as more than self-absorbed rambling. My hope is it is some sort of note that resounds in you to risk your fear of flight, long lines and crying babies to get on a plane and go somewhere. Somewheres....


Blogger Jared said...

it wasn't until I read your blog for the second time that I realized you coined the phrase "vodka basket." Never have I heard such eloquecent wit. It's the word poop.

Also, I love you.

You know what they say...somewheres is better than nowheres.

5:24 AM  
Blogger Feck off! said...

...florida, eh?

2:44 AM  

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