
Jared reminded me this morning that we'd committed to going to John and Jill Burtons for dinner that evening. I'm glad we went though, the drive up was beautiful and the food was good. We decided Johns house reminded us of a midieval apothecaries house. After dinner of animal ribs(with raspberry compote) and cowboy coffee and freakin' awesome upside down cake we discussed John's views on russian/chinese world domination, avian flu, and the apocalypse. John's an eccentric genius. We definitely have interesting friends. Looking out at the brightest moon and discussing his sniper background he breaks into a poem from Patton. What the heck...Patton wrote poetry? He also informed us of practical ways to prepare for the collapse of the economy...the most interesting being a detailed instruction on how to make our own diesel fuel. He could sound a little off his rocker at first glance but he made some good points...made us think. Thats why I've decided to father as many illegitimate children as possible, thereby increasing the likelihood of my continuing my legacy when it all goes down....psyche. This is me ruminating after a glass of wine in a hotel room....
I heard about making your own deisel fuel.. actually it was using old cooking oil from restaurants and washing it then using it.. thats incredully futuristic
I think that's a really good decision about the illegitiment children Simeon. I'm sure you'll have great looking kids.
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